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Quarter 1 Work

Argumentative Essay:

Due Date: 11/7/16


    What we had to do was to create an argument on whether freedom is demanded or given. To complete the essay I used Animal Farm by George Orwell, Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, and The Censors by Luisa Valenzuela in order to take evidence to prove my claim about freedom being demanded. The skills that I had to reach were: make an effective claim with evidence from resources, establish clear reasoning, and to have close to no grammatical errors. I feel as though I was able to greatly improve my essay based on comments. Since I started with unclear statements as well as unconnected evidence. In the end, my essay was easy to understand and was able to get my point across without confusing the audience. Next time I want to be able to write an essay from the beginning and naturally be able to connect my ideas with the evidence.

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