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Quarter 3
Population Assignment:
Due Date: 2/13/17
Overview: The assignment was to research an event throughout history which affected the population in the U.S. For the project we had to choose three events and I revolved my project around the option to choose whether you have a baby or not. By doing something such as this students are able to discover an epidemic which affected various groups of people but even made a drastic impact on the number of people in America.
Personal Reflection: I believe that my strength during this assignment was my ability to make a creative demonstration in order to convey my facts and research on the assignment. For the project I created a storybook which was detailed and colorful. So basically my ability to research and show enthusiasm in my project was also great. I found various primary sources and was able to deeply investigate the opinions of people at the time. However, my weakness in this assignment was time management. Although I was able to turn the assignment in on time I did have trouble getting all of my research finished on time.
Skills Tested: The skills I was tested in was my ability to create something which would entertain my audience and enrich them. I also was tested in my ability to format research in a clear way which actually made sense and connected. Then I needed to actually find meaning through all of the statistics and facts and interpret what they meant.
What I learned: My doing this assignment I learned that throughout history women have faced mass injustice and even though now it is better there are still boundaries.
Link to assignment:
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