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Quarter 2

Roanoke Argumentative Essay:

Due Date: 1/2/17


Overview: Write an argumentative essay about the Roanoke colony mystery by analyzing a New York Times post as well as completing additional research for more information in depth.


Skills Tested: One of the skills that I was tested in was my ability to think quick on my feet. Since I had about one day to complete the essay in order to complete all necessary parts. Another skill I was tested in was being able to actually write a good essay which transitions the reader nicely, has well thought out responses, as well as uses "juicy" vocabulary. 


Reflection: I believe I was able to create a strong argument in my essay by providing various pieces of evidence and uses words to persuade the reader while still keeping my tone argumentative and formal. Also, I was able to create a hook that is a bit humorous to start of the reader in a light mood as well as allow the reader to become more intrigued in the essay. Next time I write an argumentative essay on the Roanoke colony I want to complete more research on the topic in order to provide even more information to the audience so that by the end of my essay they will know various facts about the Roanoke mystery. 

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